Setting up a domain name is an essential step in establishing an online presence. GoDaddy is a popular domain registrar, while Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a reliable and scalable infrastructure for hosting your applications. By integrating your GoDaddy domain with GCP’s Domain Name System (DNS), you can efficiently manage your domain’s DNS records and leverage Google’s robust infrastructure. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up your GoDaddy domain in GCP DNS.
Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:
A GoDaddy domain: You should have a registered domain on the GoDaddy platform.
A Google Cloud Platform account: Sign up for a GCP account if you haven’t already.
Step 1 – Signup for a GoDaddy Domain
Sign up for a GoDaddy domain

Step 2 – Deploy a WordPress instance
Deploy a WordPress instance from Classmethod Canada GCP Marketplace
In here will deploy the WordPress with PHP7.4 on Ubuntu 20.04 by Classmethod
Click on LAUNCH

Agree to terms


Give a name to your VM in the “Deployment name” field.

Deployment Manger

Located the deployed WordPress in Compute Engine > Virtual machines > VM instances

Follow this User Guide to set up WordPress
Note down the site name and password

(Optional) Set up Static IP reserve and assign a static IP address to a Google Cloud Platform VM instance
Step 3 – Create a GCP DNS Zone
To start, you need to create a DNS zone in GCP. Follow these steps:
Log in to your Google Cloud Platform account.
Open the Cloud Console.
Navigate to the “DNS” page by selecting “Network services” and then “Cloud DNS.”

Click on “Create Zone” to create a new DNS zone.

Provide a Zone name and DNS name for your domain. For example, if your domain is “,” the DNS name would be “example-com” without the dot. Select type = Public.
Choose the DNS resolution scope that suits your needs.
Click on “Create” to create the DNS zone.
Created SOA and NS zones will look like this:

Next, you’ll add DNS records to your Google Cloud DNS zone. Follow these steps:
In the Cloud DNS Zone details page, click on “ADD STANDARD”

Enter the necessary information for your DNS records, such as type (A, CNAME, MX, etc.), name, and IP address.
Click “CREATE” to add the record set.

Repeat the process for additional DNS records as needed.
Note down the nameservers listed under the “NS” (name servers) section. These nameservers are essential for configuring your domain in GoDaddy.
Step 4 – Update Nameservers in GoDaddy
Sign in to GoDaddy account and go to DNS Management
Locate the domain you want to set up with GCP DNS and click the “Manage DNS” option.

In the DNS Management page, find the “Nameservers” section.

Click Change Nameservers and select I’ll use my own nameservers

Replace the existing nameservers with the Google Cloud DNS nameservers you obtained in Step 3.

Click Continue to save the changes.

Final Check:
To ensure that your DNS configuration is correct, follow these steps:
Wait for the DNS changes to propagate, which may take up to 48 hours.
Test DNS using IP address and Domain, directs to the same WordPress webpage.
Go to your WordPress via GCP Public IP Address

Using GoDaddy Domain name redirects to the same WordPress website.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate your GoDaddy domain with Google Cloud Platform’s DNS service. This integration enables you to efficiently manage your domain’s DNS records and leverage the robust infrastructure provided by GCP. With your GoDaddy domain set up in GCP DNS, you are ready to take advantage of the platform’s scalability and reliability for your online applications.
Remember, DNS changes may take some time to propagate globally, so be patient and periodically check the DNS record resolution to ensure everything is working as expected.